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How to Submit a Video

We want these courses to continually reflect new attitudes and ideas about studying abroad. This is where YOU can help us. Be a part of uStudy.us and share with us a link to a video that relates to the course content. Your video may be featured in this course for other international students to learn from! Some examples of videos we are looking for are learning to speak English with locals, a cultural activity in the U.S., preparing to study abroad, mentoring other students about your home country, etc

Directions to submit a video link: Upload your video to a site such as YouTube, Google Video, Yahoo Video , MySpace, or any other multimedia website.

Look for the video icon on the top bar of each Action page. Click on that icon to submit a link to a video that you feel is relevant to that particular section you are on. Include a brief description of the video as well. Please do not send us the actual video, only the link to video hosting website. We will review the video and you will be able to see a link to it on our site shortly thereafter. Note: You will not be able to submit a video unless you are logged onto uStudy.us.

Special: Alcohol Awareness Video for uStudy.us

Registered Users: If you are already a registered user of the uStudy.us Online Courses for Study Abroad, first, LOGIN to uStudy.us, then click on "uStudy.us Home" on the bottom right of the website. Then click on the "Share your U.S. Video" link to be connected to the download video page.
New Users: If you have not yet registered for the uStudy.us Online Courses for uStudy.us, click on register and create a login and password, then follow the previous instructions for registered users.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible for the content of these videos. Please notify us if you view a video on the course that seems inappropriate or the link is inactive. Please follow the rules of the websites that you upload your videos to.